How to Use Your Grow Kit

1. ) Upon receiving your kit:

Remove kit from the shipping box as soon as possible. Then, unfold the top of the bag, making room for air space. It’s also important to check and confirm that the filter patch is not obstructed. This will help the organism breathe and continue to thrive until you are ready to grow your fruiting block!


2.) For best results:

We recommend growing your lion’s mane block in a fruiting chamber (like a monotub or martha tent) as a controlled environment will decrease the risk of contamination and increase the chances of success. 

3.) Preparing your block:

Tightly fold excess plastic back and place the block face up.

4.) How to initiate fruiting:

Making small holes in the plastic encourages even growth which can be harvested easily and cleanly. We recommend cutting 3-4 small X’s on one plane of the bag.(If you are fruiting this block on your countertop or outside of a climate controlled room, be sure to mist the bag at least twice a day to keep block from drying out.)

Lion’s mane can be top or side fruited depending on preference; side fruiting can encourage elongated spines.

5.) Second flush: 

After harvesting your fruits tape original cuts with packing tape and repeat step 4 on the other side of the bag!!! 

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